9 Things I Did Right When I Started my Photography Business

  1. Kim says:

    Great blog and advice. I set up a dedicated area for my photography. This allows me to think through the props and plan and speeds up my process. Before my dedicated “garage studio” I had equipment/props in three different closets, it was a challenging.

    • Fanette Rickert says:

      Thank you Kim! I’m glad you enjoyed it! I know I am very lucky to have a dedicated space for my work! I know even some professional photographers don’t have that luxury. Glad you were able to set that up for yourself as well!

  2. This article is truly wonderful and the advice is priceless. My specialty is landscape and travel photography, but I would love to explore product & food photography. I did a few things right I invested in education, I set up my business as an LLC, I published a coffee table book last month as more of personal project but it has been selling. I definitely need to find a mentor for sure. I’ll be reading your blog regularly for more helpful tips.

    • Fanette Rickert says:

      Hi Lynne!

      Thank you so much for stopping by! I am glad you found the article useful and wow, congrats on publishing your own book – and selling some copies!! This is something I have been thinking about and 2020 will definitely involved some printed work for me! Let me know if you have any questions!

  3. Thank you for providing such helpful information. I an=m currently just playing with my camera and finding my niche. the one thing I was wondering is who do use to print your photos? Thank you

    • Fanette Rickert says:

      Hi Carrie!

      Thank you for your comment, I am happy your are finding the content helpful. I am not currently printing my work, but I can find out if you would like 🙂

      Thank you!

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