My Complete Lightroom Workflow for Food Photography

  1. Abi says:

    Hello Fanette!
    The Lightroom workflow is super helpful and much needed for me now. Thanks for sharing it and I LOVED YOUR NEW STYLE of editing!

    • Fanette Rickert says:

      Thank you so much Abi, I am so glad this was helpful!! And thank you so much for your kind words! I must say that I love it more than I thought! 🙂

  2. malena says:

    Excellent Fanette,
    I liked the clarity of the glass. taking photos of glasses is hard.

  3. Katia says:

    Love this post… Its reassuring that I do a similar thing. I love what you suggest about separate catalogues. Can you recommend a resource to learn more about doing this , also about libraries and how to keep files organised. I have a total mess and occasionally i cant find my edits… so if you can suggest where to learn more about organising files and catalogues in LR – that would be supar

    • Fanette Rickert says:

      Hi Katia! Thank you for letting me know you enjoyed this post! I don’t have a recommendation about libraries and file organization but I can add it to the list of upcoming blog posts, that’s a good idea! Thank you so much!

  4. Sydney says:

    Hi Fanette!

    What do you mean when you say that you “create” .xmp files in your catalogs? Aren’t they automatically created and saved when you perform edits on your photos in a catalog? Or are you also creating virtual copies?

    Thank you so much!

    • Fanette Rickert says:

      Hi Sydney!
      Thank you for your question. You are correct, they are automatically created, although you have to enable the feature in Lightroom. which is what I meant 🙂
      I hope that answers your question, have a wonderful day!

  5. Atul says:

    I am a beginner and I love the way you teach and its really very much useful for beginner like me. Its really need for me to learn lightroom, today I also realized one thing photography would not be completed till we post process.

    • Fanette Rickert says:

      Hi Atul! Thank you for your comment. I am glad you find my posts helpful! I totally agree that editing is an essential part of photography! Learning how to use Lightroom will allow you to make a ton of progress in your photography! Thank you and let me know if you have any question!

  6. Wambugi says:

    Dear Fanette,
    I love this post, wow! I have struggled with this ‘workflow’ for a while and have had images everywhere which pile up and get mixed up and its annoying trying to find certain images.
    This was so helpful. Looking forward to implement this to ensure a proper ‘images workflow’.

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