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Email marketing is one of the best ways to build a loyal client base. Here’s how to find the right hosting platform and plan stellar newsletter content.

October 22, 2019

An example of new work I might send to my clients as part as my quarterly portfolio update.

Here’s how to keep your content under control with an editorial calendar! It’s the best way to keep up with multiple web presences for your business.

October 16, 2019

Creating an editorial calendar can seem like a daunting task for a lot of photographers. Today, I am sharing how you can keep your content under control with an editorial calendar! It's the best way to keep up with multiple web presences for your small business.

Pinterest for photographers is an amazingly powerful tool. Learn how you can leverage Pinterest marketing for your photography business.

October 2, 2019

Pinterest for Photographers - Frenchly Photography

You want to start a food photography business, but you’re on a tight budget? It’s possible! Let me show you the tools to get started on the cheap!

August 1, 2019

Chocolate Zucchini Bread and a cup of coffee on subway tiles

Productivity tools are all the rage today. If you do a simple Google search for “best productivity tools for business”, you will be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of apps and software out there. I am all about saving time. I don’t know about you, but I didn’t start my own company to work 60 […]

May 21, 2019

Camera equipment

Time management for entrepreneurs is already tough as it is, but if you throw in busy mom life in the mix, it can quickly feel impossible. When I decided to take my photography business full time, my husband had just started a new job, one with opportunity but where he’d have to work overtime to […]

May 7, 2019

desk withlaptop, cup of tea and macarons

Picture this: you reached out to your favorite brands, tapped all your connections, talked to all the local restaurants. And then one day, it finally happens. Somebody wants to hire you. You found the client, the hard part is done, right? Now what’s next? Crap. You don’t have the first idea where to start! In this post, I put together a simple process to onboard new clients that works for me

April 11, 2019

Simple steps to onboarding clients - Frenchly Photography

You know that last minute trip to the grocery store that really sets you back a couple of hours? Or having to reshoot client images because you didn’t have a shot list to work from?

Well, say goodbye to your old way of working and hello to the more organised version of you. You’re just going to love this checklist.

March 27, 2019

Okay, I know talking about client management systems and automation and organization in general is not very sexy for a lot of people (it is for me, but I am a bit of a geek…). But how does having more time and being able to drinks Maï Thaï on the beach sound? A lot more sexy, right? Well, this might just be what you get if you start using a Client Management System. Maybe the beach and the drink is pushing it, but I promise you that it will save A LOT of time.

February 26, 2019

Best Client Management System for your Photography business - Frenchly Photography

When I arrived in D.C.with my husband in 2012, I had no idea what I was going to do. The plan was for me to go back to “school” and for my husband to find a job that could sustain us both. But as I was trying to figure out what to go back to […]

January 16, 2019

Bright Farms - Food Photography - Frenchly Photography

Please note – some of these are affiliate links, which means I’ll make a small portion of the profit if you purchase something, at no extra cost to you! Thanks for supporting us!   I’m writing this at 8:54pm. There is a cake cooling on the counter. It will be photographed in the morning, because […]

October 9, 2018

Planning your images

Deciding to shift from graphic designer to pursue a career as a professional photographer full time was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. It was an easy decision, but the process of getting there wasn’t easy. Photography requires a lot of passion to keep at it — you have to show up everyday and practice […]

January 22, 2018

professional photographer

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