Business Mindset: Become the CEO of your Business

  1. Maria says:

    What a great read! I recognized myself in this article as one who has a freelancer mindset. In September I celebrated a year of me running a photography business on my own. I had a great experience, projects, clients, I took courses, I have tools at my fingertips but I feel like I’m burning out from still not having a budget for nearly everything I need for my business. I am everything else but a photographer, I want to grow but It feels like I stand still and rather sinking. It’s tough!

    • Fanette Rickert says:

      Hi Maria!

      Thank you for your comment. The mindset part is I think one of the hardest part of it all and it requires constant work and attention. But the great thing is that you are aware of it now and you can actually stop and make the shift to a CEO mindset before making decisions. I use it for the big things (would a CEO buy this course, equipment, hire this VA?) and for the small things (like when I plan my week – would a CEO really spend precious time doing this or that?). For me, it really has been helpful and I hope it can be for you as well!

  2. Merci Fanette!
    I am so grateful for this blog post. And it feels good to know that I have been burning out and since last month, been taking mini steps towards better managing my business (becoming the CEO of my soon to bloom business) by for example buying a professional website template versus the 2 months I took in creating one that I didn’t like much on WordPress. etc…
    Vraiment, merci merci merci.
    À bientôt!

    • Fanette Rickert says:

      Hi Rispah!

      Thank you so much for your comment, I am so glad you found this article helpful! Buying a website template is such a great example of using your CEO mindset! There are so many things that we do (like working on a website for 2 months) that are actually such a waste of our time and talent! Realizing that our time (and sanity) is more precious than money is a big one! Congrats and I hope it helps you beat the burnout. Let me know if I can help you in any way!

  3. jjorge says:

    Excelente artigo que serve para muitas áreas alem da fotografia.

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